A Moth to Flame has been out for a little more than a month now and could use your help (I feel like one of those politicians sending a mass text to save democracy!) We’d like more sales. We need more reviews!
The first few weeks are paramount for a book’s survival. I feel like Moth is, hands down, the most sophisticated, intricately plotted, and deftly characterized of all my books to date.
How can you help? Why, tell your friends, of course! The number one way a book sells is through word of mouth. So if you’ve read it and liked it—or even if you haven’t and didn’t—tell your friends, mothers, brothers, sisters, husbands, wives, or anyone I may have missed.
Next up on the writing docket, we have BIGGER BITES, a collection of short stories (and an essay) I’m compiling now (Summer 2024), and later this year will be the sequel (of sorts) to Say My Name. I WON’T SAY A WORD: A SAY MY NAME NOVEL will bring us back east, in the snow and cold, with many familiar characters and some new ones as well. I am also currently working on two more books, one that is so clever I’m scared to name it (sci-fi) and a horror(ish) novel (HOMESICK) that I’ve already signed a contract for over at Wicked House Publishing. (I can’t wait to get back to just writing. My wife is in marketing. I’m just an … artist.)
In between, I’ll be on assorted book tours, from Seattle to Italy. Left Coast Crime. Thrillerfest. The Book Passage Mystery Conference. Keep an eye out for when I might be in your town!
Last, on the rock-and-roll front, over the summer, I’m getting the band back together, man. We’ll be playing a one-off, live show as part of our record release for A Better Machine, with 5/6ths the record’s lineup reprising their roles! Somewhere in the Bay Area. More soon!